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 Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle)

Membre Platine
Membre Platine 

Messages : 1095
Age : 31

MessageSujet: Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle)Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) Empty - Mar 16 Juil - 21:28

tout à l'heure, en faisant des random match sur showdown je suis tombée sur un adversaire qui avait... un krilowatt... ??? WTF is that pokémon ???

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) Krilowatt_dex
Membre Diamant
Membre Diamant 

Messages : 577
Age : 29

MessageSujet: Re: Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle)Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) Empty - Mar 16 Juil - 22:00

C'est un fake créer par smogon. Il y en a plusieurs, c'est des Pokémon non officiel que l'on peu trouver en random et il me semble qu'ont peu les avoirs aussi en hackmon.
Le site de smogon devrait t'aider à ce sujet ^^
Membre X
Membre X 

Messages : 3910
Age : 31

MessageSujet: Re: Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle)Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) Empty - Mar 16 Juil - 22:33

Alors je profite que tu poses la question pour mettre ici les quelques fakemon de Showdown :

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) H2boArghonaut Water / Fight
Unaware : This Pokemon ignores other Pokemon's stat changes when taking or doing damages.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) R394Aurumoth Bug / Psychic
Weak Armor : If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, Defense is lowered 1 and Speed is boosted 1.
No Guard : Every move used by or against this Pokemon will always hit.
Illusion : This Pokemon appears at the last Pokemon in the party until it takes direct damage.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) 1wrjColossoil Dark / Ground
Rebound : On switch-in, this Pokemon blocks certain status moves and uses the moves itself.
Guts : If the Pokemon is statused, its Attack is 1.5x; burn's Attack drop is ignored.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) XumoCyclohm Electr / Dragon
Shield Dust : This Pokemon is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack.
Static : 30% chance of paralysing a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) A0iuFidgit Poison / Ground
Persistent : The duration of certain field effects is increased by 2 turns if used by this Pokemon.
Vital Spirit : This Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) E6ucKitsunoh Steel / Ghost
Frisk : On switch-in, this Pokemon identifies a random foe's held item.
Limber : This Pokemon cannot be paralysed. Gaining this Ability while paralysed cures it.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) LywpKrilowatt Electr/ Water
Trace : On switch-in, or when it can, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent foe's Ability.
Magic Guard : This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) Vz3cMalaconda Dark / Grass
Harvest : 50% chance this Pokemon's berry is restored at the end of each turn. 100% in Sun.
Infiltrator : This Pokemon's moves ignore the foe's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard and Mist.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) T01jMollux Fire / Poison
Dry Skin : This Pokemon is healed 1/4 by Water, 1/8 by Rain; is hurt 1,25x by Fire, 1/8 by Sun.
Illuminate : No competitive use.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) Usw4Necturna Grass / Ghost
Forewarn : On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the foe's move with the highest Base Power.
Telepathy : This Pokemon does not take damage from its allies' attacks.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) Ncg6Pyroak Fire / Grass
Rock Head : This Pokemon does not take recoil damage besides Struggle, Life Orb, crash damage.
Battle Armor : This Pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) 8ixyRevenankh Ghost / Fight
Shed Skin : This Pokemon has a 33% chance to have its status cured at the end of each turn.
Air Lock : While this Pokemon is active, all weather conditions and their effects are disabled.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) 4urStratagem Rock
Levitate : This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, Iron Ball nullify it.
Technician : This Pokemon's attacks of 60 Base Power or less do 1.5xdamage. Includes Struggle.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) C571Syclant Ice / Bug
Compoundeyes : This Pokemon's moves have their accuracy boosted to 1.3x.
Mountaineer : On switch-in, this Pokemon avoids all Rock-type attacks and Stealth Rock.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) Eff8Tomohawk Flying / Fight
Intimidate : On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers adjacent foe's Attack by 1.
Prankster : This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1.
Justified : This Pokemon's Attack is boosted by 1 after it is damaged by a Dark-type attack.

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) LyqrVoodoom Fight / Dark
Volt Absorb : This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Electric moves; Electric immunity.
Lightningrod : This Pokemon draws Electric moves to itself to boost Sp. Atk by 1; Electric immunity.
Membre Platine
Membre Platine 

Messages : 1095
Age : 31

MessageSujet: Re: Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle)Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) Empty - Mer 17 Juil - 11:46

Merci ! :)
J'ai essayé d'aller les voir sur Smogon mais impossible de les afficher, donc merci Baku !
Membre X
Membre X 

Messages : 3910
Age : 31

MessageSujet: Re: Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle)Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) Empty - Mer 17 Juil - 12:32

De rien ^^
Beaucoup sont bof, comme Argonauth, Colossoil ou Fidgit... Mais certains sont super !
Dans le top 3 je mets :
- Revenankh en première position, tellement bg, j'l'aurais préféré à Tutankafer (il est apparu qu'à l'époque de la 4g, ce qui explique entre autre qu'il n'a pas la cap spé Momie). Air lock ne lui va pas du tout par contre...
- Mollux, pasque les mollusques c'est trop swagg, qu'il a un double type génial, et que la lampe sur son dot est trop cool. Et puis avec Dry Skin il doit être fun.
- Necturna, y'a mieux comme poké, mais le design y est, il est trop dark.
Membre Emeraude
Membre Emeraude 

Messages : 428

MessageSujet: Re: Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle)Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) Empty - Mer 17 Juil - 17:29

Le type de Revenankh est juste trop bien, et le design est pas mal non plus! Argonauth est pas très beau mais il apprend de très bonnes attaques et ses stats sont bonnes aussi! La cap. spé Moutaineer de Syclant est une très bonne idée aussi.
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MessageSujet: Re: Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle)Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle) Empty -

Fakemon de Showdown (Random Battle)

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